Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

When the lesson english in class Part 6 session 2

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

The sixth day of the English Language Study in the second session. I rushed to class because the lesson would begin. After I searched for a seat, the lecturer asked "whose group will advance?", we answered "the second group sir". The second group came forward, namely me and adianto. After that we advanced and introduced themselves. We start the presentation, explained the article about "The Use Of Elektromagnetic. When finished, we explain the question of reading. After they finish, we explained the structure question. After finished the lecturer corrects articles and questions about reading and questions about structure. not many  errors the must be corrected from reading questions and structure questions. The lecturer gives directions to questions that must be corrected and structure how to make the right questions. After finishing giving directions the lecturer closes today's lesson.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb


Muhamad Azis Rizal Rifa’I      (1720201074)
Adianto                                      (1720201076)


1.      This section of the test is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate in standard written English. There are two parts to this section with special direction for each
Part one : Reading comprehension 
Part two : Structure
Before you begin each part, carefully read the directions.
2.      Put all of your answer on the answer sheet.
3.      Carefully and completely choose your answer for each question. If you change your mind about an answer after you marked it on your answer sheet, completely erase your old answer and then mark your new answer.
4.      Try to answer every problem even if you are not sure of the answer. Your score on the test will depend on the number of correct answers you have given.

                Part 1
The Use of Electromagnet

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off. Electromagnetic has created by way of wrapping the wire on a conductor metal such as iron or steel, then irrigated with an electric current, and change the iron or steel inside the coils into a magnet.
Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted had discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields. British scientist William Sturgeon had invented the electromagnet in 1824. Begining in 1830, US scientist Joseph henry had improved and popularized the electromagnet.
Example aplication electromagnetic on daily life :
·         Electric bell
An electric bell is a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet. When an electric current is applied, it produces a repetitive buzzing or clanging sound. Electric bells have been widely used at rail road crossings, in telephones, school bells, and doorbells sound.
·         Hard disk drive
An hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more rigid (hard) rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material. The platters are paired with magnetic heads arranged on a moving actuator arm, which read and write data to the platter surfaces.Data is accessed in a random-access manner, meaning that individual blocks of data can be stored or retrieved in any order rather than sequentially. HDDs retain stored data even when powered off.

Difficult Word
Pronoun Spelling
Kereta api
Jalan raya

Article translation
Kegunaan Elektromagnet 

Elektromagnet adalah sebuah tipe magnet dimana medan magnet dihasilkan dari sebuah arus listrik. Medan magnet menghilang saat arus listrik dimatikan. Elektromagnet dibuat dari lilitan kawat pada logam konduktor seperti besi atau baja, kemudian dialiri dengan arus listrik, dan mengubah besi atau baja di dalam kumparan magnet.
Beberapa sejarah ilmuwan elektromagnet :
Ilmuwan Denmark Hans Christian Orsted menemukan bahwa arus listrik membuat medan magnet pada tahun 1820.Ilmuwan Inggris William turgeon menemukan elektromagnet pada 1824. Dimulai pada 1830, ilmuwan Amerika Joseph Henry secara telah meningkatkan dan mempopulerkan elektromagnet. 
Contoh pengaplikasian elektromagnet di kehidupan sehari hari :
·         Bel listrik
Bel listrik adalah sebuah bel mekanik yang fungsinya dari sebuah elektromagnet. Ketika arus listrik dialirkan, maka ia menghasilkan suara dengungan berulang atau suara berdering. Bel listrik secara luas digunakan pada palang kereta api, telepon, bel sekolah, dan bel pintu.

·         Hard disk drive
Drive hardisk adalah perangkat penyimpanan data yang digunakan untuk menyimpan dan mengambil informasi digital yang menggunakan satu atau lebih kaku (keras), disk berputar cepat(piringan) yang dilapisi dengan bahan magnetik.
Piring piring yang di pasangkan dengan kepala magnetik yang diatur di lengan aktuator bergerak, yang membaca dan menulis data ke permukaan piring. Data diakses secara akses acak, berarti bahwa individu blok data dapat disimpan atau di peroleh dalam urutan apapun dari pada secara berurutan.HDD mempertahankan data yang tersimpan bahkan ketika power off.

 Source :

Part one
Reading Comprehension
Direction: In this Section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer : (A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. This section in designed to measure your ability to read and understand passages. Answer all question about the information ion a passage on the basis what is implied or stated in the passage.
Example :
Read The Following
Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted had discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields. British scientist William Sturgeon had invented the electromagnet in 1824. Begining in 1830, US scientist Joseph henry systematically had improved and popularized the electromagnet.

Question 1
When is electromagnet  improved and popularized by joseph henry ?
a. in 1821
b. in 1820
c. in 1825
d. in 1830
The answer is d, because in that year the electromagnet has improved and popularized electromagnet by US scientist Joseph henry.

1. What is the electromagnet?
a. Electromagnetic has created by way of wrapping the wire on a conductor metal such as iron.
b. A type of magnet in which the magnetic fields is produced by an electric current.
c. The magnetic fields disappears when the current is turn off.
d. Electromagnet change the iron or steel inside the coils into a magnet.
The answer is B. Elctromagnet is  A type of magnet in which the magnetic fields is produced by an electric current. Found in paragraph 1 line 1

2. Who is Joseph Henry?
a. a British scientist
b. a Germany scientist
c. an US scientist
d. a spainish scientist
The answer is C. Joseph Henry is an US scientist who had systematically improved and popularized the electromagnet. Found in paragraph 2 line 3

3. Where is a scientist William Sturgeon from?
a. Netherland
b. Germany
c. Danish
d. England
 The answer is D.  A scientist William Sturgeon was born in England. Found in paragraph 2 line 2

4. How does electric bell function?
a. The electric bell functions when an electric current is applied, it produces a repetitive buzzing or clanging sound.
b. The electric bell functions when an electric magnet is applied.
c. An electric bell functions by means of an electromagnet.
d. When electric current flows throught the coils,the rods became magnetic and attract a pice of iron attached to a clapper.The clapper hits the bell and makes it ring.
The answer is A. The electric bell functions when an electric current is applied, it produces a repetitive buzzing or clanging sound. Found in paragraph 3 line 4

5. When did Hans Christian Orsted discover that electric currents create a magnetic fields? 
a. in 1821
b. in 1820
c. in 1825
d. in 1830
The answer is B,because Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted had discovered in 1820 that electric currents create magnetic fields. Found in paragraph 2 line 1

6.  How is the electric bell functioned?
a.  The electric bell is a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet.
b. When electric current flows throught the coils,the rods became magnetic and attract a pice of iron attached to a clapper.The clapper hits the bell and makes it ring.
c. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off
d. An electric bell is a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet
The answer is A, The electric bell is a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet. Found in paragraph 3 line 3

7.  Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted                     discovered in 1820 that electric currents   create magnetic fields.
a. have
b. had
c. had been
d. have been
 The answer is B,because the story about the past and use past perfect tense. Found in paragraph 2 line 1

8. Where is the electric bell used?
a. in the matters
b. in the bag
c. in the bench
d. at railroad crossings, in telephones,fire and burglars alarms,as school bells,doorbells,and alamrs in industrial plants.
The answer is D,because the electric bells have been widely used at railroad crossings, in telephones,fire and burglars alarms,as school bells,doorbells,and alamrs in industrial plants. Found in paragraph 3 line 5

9.    The word “invented”in paragraph 2 line 2 is closest in meaning to              
 a. find
 b. found
 c. created
 d. discovered
 The answer is B,because british scientist William Sturgeon had invented the electromagnet in 1824. Found in paragraph 2 line 2

10.  What Is Hard Disk Drive ?
 a. a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet
 b. a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current
 c. a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more    rigid (hard) rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material
 d. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off
 The answer is C. A hard disk drive (HDD) is a data storage device used for storing and   retrieving digital information using one or more rigid (hard) rapidly rotating disks (platters) coated with magnetic material. Found in paragraph 4 Line 2


Structure and Written Expression

Direction : In this section you will see four underlined words or phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) in each sentence. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentences to be correct. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the section and fill the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Look at the following example:
 Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted have discovered  in 1820 that electric currents                                                                                           A          B                         C 
create magnetic fields.
The answer is A. Should be “had” because the sentences used past perfect tense. Because recounting events that occurred in the past

  Now let’s begin to the structure and written test

1.      An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced from
                                      A                             B            C                                                 D
an electric current.
The answer is D. Should be “by”because the sentences show that somethhing has been we should use preposition “by”.

2.      The magnetic field disappear when the current is turned off.
   A                                   B                                   C     D
The answer is B. Should be “disappears”,because it’s a subject verb agreement that third-person singular must followed by verb+s/es.

3.      British scientist William Sturgeon had invented the electromagnet on 1824.
A         B       C                          D
The answer is D. Should be “In” because the year should be began by preposition “in”.

4.      Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted had discover  in 1820 that electric current                                                                                                  A        B                      C   
create magnetic fields.
The answer is B. Should be “discovered” because the sentences used past perfect we should use preposition “discovered”.

5.      An electric bell are a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet.                                                        A                                 B                   C              D
The answer is A. Should be “ is “ because An electric bell is singular subject. so we should use preposition “is”.

6.       When an electric current is apply, it produces a repetitive buzzing or clanging sound                                                                            A               B                               C               D
The answer is A. Should be “applied” because the sentence is passive sentence. So we should use verb 3 “applied”.

7.      An Hard disk drive (HDD) are a data storage device used for storing and retrieving
A                                        B
digital information using one or more rigid (hard) rapidly rotating disks (platters)
with magnetic material
The answer is A.  because An  Hard disk drive (HDD) is singular subject. so we should use preposition “is”.

8.      Electromagnetic had created by way of wrapping the wire on a conductor metal such                                                        A                B                    C                                   D
as iron or steel.            
The answer is A. Should be “has” because the sentences used present perfect tense. Because story started in the past and continues in the present.

9.      US scientist Joseph henry have improved and popularized the electromagnet
A         B                      C                        D
The answer is A. Should be “had” because the sentences used past perfect tense or present perfect tense. Because recounting events that occurred in the past

10.   British scientist William Sturgeon had invent the electromagnet in 1824
A     B      C                          D
The answer is B. Should be “invented” because the sentences used past perfect we should use verb 3 “invented”

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