Minggu, 28 Januari 2018

When the lesson english in class Part 16

 Date:  26 Januari 2018

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

English lesson sixteenth meeting. Today is the awaited day, because it will end semester 1 and go into semester 2. Today is the final test of English lecturer, friend clothes are all neat, not as usual (hehe).  Wear a shirt, jeans and an alma mater , from the start of the exam to this day. We were given 90 minutes to work on the English question.  For English exam, we have to make a story at least 20 sentences about one's job and today we have to tell about an mechanical Engineering. For the subject can be myself or he, his identity (date of birth, age, place of residence, hobbies, marriage or unmarried,if married with how many children and where residence), he job (he works as what, where he works,and how long he works there and what position he holds), besides we have to mention the tools he uses to work like safety helmet, screwdriver, pliers, hammer, compressor, ragum, drilling machine, welding machine, ring wrench, safety shoes etc.Is not too difficult if we learn(hehe). Already 90 minutes, we were asked to collect English answer sheets. We hope to get the best value. Maybe quite so much that I can share for you guys at the end of the final exam of semester 1 I feel so relieved and hope to get a satisfactory value (amin). for my friends,you are amazing and keep the spirit.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb


Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

When the lesson english in class Part 15

 Date:  12 Januari 2018
Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

English lesson fifteenth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. Miss Rella resumed the previous conversation task that was not yet forward. one by one  group came forward. After that miss Rella gives a The grille about the final exam of the semester later. The grille about a technician. The college Student should tell about a technician at least 20 sentences, about her personality, her family, her work and so on. After giving the grille, the college student asked for a picture together with miss Rella because today is the last day  miss rella teach in semester 1, we are all happy to have a picture together miss rella. After the photo together, miss Rella closes today's lesson.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb


Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

When the lesson english in class Part 14

 Date:  5 Januari 2018
Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

today I will continue my before story at the 13th meeting. Inadvertently my friend there is sharing the screenshoot conversation with mother sri mulyati (basic lecturer of algorithm and programming) who can not to learn today after the english class.Finally we agreed to continue to learn english. We went on the task of making conversations for two or more people.A few minutes later the group after has advanced and finally it was my turn and my friend  ferry to move forward and this is our conversation.
Mr. Ferry : Hey, Looks Like I’ve see you before.              

Me               : Do we know each other ?             
Mr. Ferry : Yes, we graduated high school in the same year.           
Me            :  Really ?             
Mr. Ferry :  Yeah, of course. My name is Ferry Hardianto.              
Me           :  Oh Ferry . How are you now ?
Mr. Ferry : I am fine. How about you ?
Me           :  I am fine too.
Mr. Ferry : Now where do you work ?
Me           : I work in a paper company. How about you ?
Mr. Ferry : I work for a company that makes Plastic Films.
Me           : Oh in there making Plastic Films ?
Mr. Ferry : Yeah of course. How about you ?
Me           : In place I work to make a paper. What section do you work on ?
Mr. Ferry : I work in the mechine maintenance department. How about you ?
Me           : same as your.
Mr. Ferry : How long have you been working in your company ?
Me           : I have been working there almost two years. How about you ?
Mr. Ferry : I have been working there more then two years.
Me           :  Wow, amazing. “kring” ( Assalamualaikum, what’s any problem sir ? yeah.. yeahh...
Yeahh.. okay I will come soon, sir. Sorry ferry I must leave immediately my    company.
Mr. Ferry : Ok Azis, no problem. See you azis.
Me           :  See you too.
all groups  already advanced, the lecturer close today's lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb


When the lesson english in class Part 13

 Date:  5 Januari 2018
Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

English lesson thirteenth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? Wee replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. currently no presentations Lecturers give assignments to students to create groups of max to 2 people. His job is to create an english dialogue on work related to electrical engineering. Before we started working on the lecturer giving an example of how to make the present tense and past tense sentences from the sentence positive, negative and ask questions.. After finish the college students make a group and start discussing the task. I am group with ferry, we started to discuss the task. continue...

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb

When the lesson english in class Part 12

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

English lesson twelevth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied six group, miss. Group of six forward and start introducing self one by one. Member of group six, Arief Wahyuaji, Nanda Pangestu Alfiandi, Roid Helmi, Muhammad Aryandhoni and Pangestu Mukti Wibowo . And than which become moderator is Pangestu Mukti Wibowo. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Elektromagnet”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of six asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? no one asked .After finish of question and answer session, The lecturer correcting result the presentation from the first discusses article until the last discusses translation. There are some wrong and the lecturer ask group of six to fix the wrong location before in entered to the blog. After finish the group of six closing the presentation today. After that the lecturer also closing today lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb

When the lesson english in class Part 11

      Date:  22 Desember 2017

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

English lesson eleventh meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied five group, miss. Group of fife forward and start introducing self one by one. Member of group five, Roni Alphianto, Ahmad Eko Budianto, Randi Nurludin and Gilang Ramadhan. And than which become moderator is Roni Alphianto. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Electrical Engineering”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H. next discussing verbal and nominal sentences, tenses, paterns, and reason, active and passive sentences, but the group 5 have not made it all just make articles, 5 W + 1 H questions and article translations. Then miss rella helped group of five to finish the part yet. After finish the group of five closing the presentation today. After that the lecturer also closing today lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb

When the lesson english in class Part 10

                                                                                                           Date:  15 Desember 2017

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends

       English lesson tenth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. She asked us, which goup will go forward for presentation? We replied nineth group, miss. Group of nine forward and start introducing self one by one. Member of group nine, Mukhlis Abdullah Warsiansya, Dian Bachtiar Rosady, Ramadhani Putra Pratama  and Moch. Ferry Hardiyanto. And than which become moderator is Mukhlis Abdullah Warsiansya. After complete of introducing by self, they went straight in to the topic of discussion that is about “Instrumentation Engineering”. First discusses the article. Second discusses question 5W + 1H. Third discusses verbal and nominal sentence. Fourth discusses tenses, its patern and reason. Fifth discusses active and passive sentence. And the last discusses translation from article under discussion. when finish presenting, group of nine asked the audience, does anyone want to ask? no audience asked, after finish The lecturer correcting result the presentation from the first discusses article until the last discusses translation. There are some wrong and the lecturer ask group of nine to fix the wrong location before in entered to the blog. After finish the group of nine closing the presentation today. After finish the lecturer closing today lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb

When the lesson english in class Part 9

              Date: 8 Desember 2017

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends,

       English lesson nineth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. The lecturer gives us the task to make the work to be earned from the faculty of electro engineering. we also have to look for thing anything related to the job and search for verbs, from verb 1 to verb 3. We were given 30 minutes to complete the task. After finish do the job we were told to advance one by one and writing on the whiteboard result of the task we answer. Starting from the job becom a Teacher, and media or the tool is a Multimeter, and verb Educate for verb 1, Educated for verb 2, and Educated for verb 3. Second from of the job become a programmer and media or the tool is a Computer, and verb Programme for verb 1, Programmed for verb 2, and Programmed for verb 3. third from of the job become a Technician and media or the tool is a Cable, and verb Connect for verb 1, Connected for verb 2, and Connected for verb 3. Fourth from of the job become a Mechanics and media or the tool is a Dynamo, and verb Repair for verb 1, Repaired for verb 2, and repaired for verb 3. Fifth from of the job become a Electrician and media or the tool is a Screwdriver, and verb Perforate for verb 1, Perforated for verb 2, and Perforated for verb 3. Sixth from of the job become a Instrument and media or the tool is a Tespen, and verb Assemble for verb 1, Assembled for verb 2, and Assembled for verb 3. Seventh from of the job become a Designer and media or the tool is a Paper, and verb Draw for verb 1, Drew for verb 2, and Drawn for verb 3. the lesson has ended, the lecturer closes today's lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb