Assalamualaikum Wr.wb
The sixtheenth day of the English Language Study in the second session. Today is the awaited day, because it will end semester 2 and go into semester 3. Today is the final test of English lecturer, friend clothes are all neat, not as usual . Wear a shirt, jeans and an alma mater , from the start of the exam to this day. We were given 90 minutes to work on the English question. For English exam,we were told to make questions about reading and compiling, from the article sample. Already 90 minutes, we were asked to collect English answer sheets. We hope to get the best value. Maybe quite so much that I can share for you guys at the end of the final exam of semester 2 I feel so relieved and hope to get a satisfactory value (amin). for my friends,you are amazing and keep the spirit. And thank you for english lecturer Mr. Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd and Mrs, Rella Dwi Respati, S.ST. MM who has guided us in learning English. hopefully the knowledge that you give can be replied by Allah SWT. amin...
Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb
good job, keep practicing!