Rabu, 10 Januari 2018

When the lesson english in class Part 9

              Date: 8 Desember 2017

Assalamualaikum Wr.wb

Hello Friends,

       English lesson nineth meeting. The lecturer enter and greet the college student. Good morning class, How are you today? We replied, good morning miss, we fine. The lecturer start today lesson. The lecturer gives us the task to make the work to be earned from the faculty of electro engineering. we also have to look for thing anything related to the job and search for verbs, from verb 1 to verb 3. We were given 30 minutes to complete the task. After finish do the job we were told to advance one by one and writing on the whiteboard result of the task we answer. Starting from the job becom a Teacher, and media or the tool is a Multimeter, and verb Educate for verb 1, Educated for verb 2, and Educated for verb 3. Second from of the job become a programmer and media or the tool is a Computer, and verb Programme for verb 1, Programmed for verb 2, and Programmed for verb 3. third from of the job become a Technician and media or the tool is a Cable, and verb Connect for verb 1, Connected for verb 2, and Connected for verb 3. Fourth from of the job become a Mechanics and media or the tool is a Dynamo, and verb Repair for verb 1, Repaired for verb 2, and repaired for verb 3. Fifth from of the job become a Electrician and media or the tool is a Screwdriver, and verb Perforate for verb 1, Perforated for verb 2, and Perforated for verb 3. Sixth from of the job become a Instrument and media or the tool is a Tespen, and verb Assemble for verb 1, Assembled for verb 2, and Assembled for verb 3. Seventh from of the job become a Designer and media or the tool is a Paper, and verb Draw for verb 1, Drew for verb 2, and Drawn for verb 3. the lesson has ended, the lecturer closes today's lesson. Thank you for your attention.

Waasalamualaikum Wr.wb

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